━ The Art of always having the right shade of Lipstick

How many of us have lipsticks that we thought would be a great shade but it ended up being a little too nude or too red or just too cool for your skin tone?

I've have always known this trick but never really felt the need to do it and had my staple everyday red lipstick until I started to go a little fancy on the eyes and hence had to tone down my lips. Thanks to Shanina Shaik for the makeup inspiration. Isn't she gorgeous?! So, I feel like the formulations of the lipsticks need to be compatible for this. There is no hard and fast rule though, if it doesn't turn out powdery or anything, you have it! Also, translucent or normal powder is always there to finish it off and always give a great finish!

So, for this one, I used 
1. Maybelline "Colour Me Red" which was a little too glossy and a little too red, even for me. :P
2. Honey Lust by Faces which was again a little glossy and a little to nude and not very pigmented for my lips.

So, I combine them and I get a really nice, nude-ish peach-ish shade and the glossiness still stays so I dab on some powder and ta-da! Everyday nude lips perfect for my skin.

People usually like to mix lipsticks on the back on their hand and then apply it, I however just layer one on top of the other.

So, this is what I've been doing all week. Mixing lipsticks and creating my virtual lipstick dynasty. Hahahahaha!

Hope you like!



  1. What a gorgeous colors!! <3

    X Merel

  2. No-doubt, the best blog I've came across today!


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