DIY : Lyric Art

So, Alicia Keys's "Girl On Fire" has been running through my mind for a long time now, and I was planning to get a lyric art done so, I was tapping my pen on the table top one fine day and Viola! this occurred to me! LOL. Okay, a little dramatic there. Anyway, this DIY is really easy and a little unusual and VERY affordable. 

This is how it's gonna look like after it's done if not better. Trust me, patience is not one of my virtue so I just do everything in a rush! :P

Firstly, write down the lyrics that you wanna work with in a white sheet and fill it with black.

Next, rip pieces off you old magazine, (I think it'll look really cool with newspaper too, gotta try that one!) and cover ANOTHER white sheet with the pieces. Yes, I could have used the word "COLLAGE". But, that's just my way. :P

Don't worry about the uneven corners. I like them that way, if you in case suffer from OCD then, you are most welcome to trim the corners off and make a perfect rectangle.

Using a pencil, mark the outline of the words you wrote. Make sure to seperate EACH WORD and not go alphabet-wise and also, leave out considerable amount of white space from the border because we'll have a colorful background, we need our writing to POP OUT and only black letters won't do that. 

I always find it easier to cut out the word roughly and then, start with the complicated cutting parts.

When you are done, you end up with words that look like this. :P

Then, just stick them one to the collage background and Ta-da!!

Let me know if you liked this DIY and also share with me if in case you have so other DIYs that you'd like me to do.



  1. your blog header is so nice! id love it if youd check out my blog and comment back x

    1. LOL..Thank you. I love yours! It's animated and so cute!! and of course I'll check u back


  2. Love this post, definitely shows your creative flair!
    Daniela xo // danielascribbles // click here to enter my MAC giveaway

  3. I loooove DIYs! Keep doing them =)

  4. Thank you, sadly, I dont have instagram :/ I followed you on pinterest though :)

  5. Very original Prarthana!!! :D x

  6. i literally burst into song when i saw your blog post haha I LOVE this song and very nice artwork too :) you remind me of myself when i was younger i used to make stuff like these for my friends :)

    1. Haahha! Yeah!These are usually good ideas for slumber parties right?

  7. This is a great way to get a bit artsy and waste some time =) Looks like fun!

    Corinne x

  8. Such a cute idea. ;-)
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. Hahah..Thank you and you too! Have a lovely day!

  9. this is so cool! definitely going to try it so I can put one in my room X

    1. Hahahaah! ;) Show me pictures in case you do! ;)

  10. I love it this is so great :) This girl is on fire ;)

  11. Liked and followed! Gorgeous blog!

  12. very good DIY for a rainy afternoon

    xxx Anna
    Ps. I just renewed my blog!
    Come take a look
    A Tale of Two Shoes


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